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STG on News12

May 31, 2022

2022 will be a record year as over 100 students will receive $400,000 in grants at the May 31 annual ceremony. And yet STG strives to do better defined quite simply as giving away more money to more students thereby closing the gap further. Enter the Giant Jellybean Jar.
The idea is simple. Guess the number of blue and white jellybeans in the “Giant Jar” and win gift certificates to your favorite Westport restaurant. STG will be giving away 37% of the funds raised which represents the unfunded tuition gap after government, college and STG awards—i.e. the gap that must be funded with debt. Each guess costs $10 with the closest guess winning 50% of the prize with additional prizes awarded to the next three closest guesses.
“This is a win for everyone involved as all funds raised stay in Westport” noted Staples Tuition Grants Co-Presidents Glenn Payne and Lisa Hill. “The direct beneficiaries are Westport students and Westport restaurants while contest participants get to have fun and potentially win a gift certificate to their favorite Westport restaurant”.
The contest kicked off May 28th at the Westport Fine Arts Festival as the Giant Jar will be on Main Street between J. Crew and Brochu Walker where guesses can be purchased. The Giant Jar will then appear in the Memorial Day parade and will also be at Summer Shopping Day in front of Manna Toast on Church Lane on June 18th. The contest ends June 22, and the winner will be announced the next day. So, make a guess and help your community in the process.

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